Organizations - Objectives, The Stackhouse Agency, LLC

Organizations – Objectives, The Stackhouse Agency, LLC

By: Brent Stackhouse, MBA

CEO/CVO, Consultancy Firm Manager

AB, International Relations, William & Mary ● MBA, Management, Troy University

The Stackhouse Agency, LLC

August 7, 2017


Organizations have experienced the impact of regional dynamics, mergers, acquisitions, development, and innovation.  The Stackhouse Agency, LLC has maintained its role in research, business processes, and work projects.  The Stackhouse Agency, LLC was founded in 2014.  The Firm has made many contacts, compiled research, and contributed in many ways.  Many organizations have been acquired by large companies.  Other organizations have succeeded with a lean and nimble structure. 

The objectives of an organization are important.  A basic function or purpose may provide the clarity needed to complete incremental steps in business.  The Stackhouse Agency, LLC enjoys its work.  The Firm has continued in its objectives.  Thank you for your business!


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Representation of specific organizations is not implied.

business processes; research; objectives; organizations; work projects