Wellbeing & Experiences in Life

Helpful Observation - #Wellbeing often involves levels of awareness and connection. Dimensions of #wellbeing may provide understanding and specificity for our experiences in life.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

March 1, 2019

Organizations and Employee Engagement Distinctions

Helpful Observation - Employee #Engagement involves benefits topics: advantages for the #organization and numerous benefits for workers and employees. Therefore, Employee #Engagement programs may be somewhat distinct from Employee #Engagement measurement.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 28, 2018

Employee Engagement Levels & Organizations

Helpful Observation - Employee #Engagement levels may be useful where particular goals are stated. Employee #Engagement levels may be of use when included in a determination of #organizational strengths.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 27, 2019

Overall Wellbeing & Enumeration

Helpful Observation - Practical measures of enumerating talents, areas of gratitude, and areas of improvement are often conducive to overall #wellbeing.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 25, 2019

Situational Awareness and Organizations

Helpful Observation - Some positions in an #organization involve basic tasks, consideration of the business culture, and procedures. Additionally, individuals in the same positions may use certain critical skills in situational #awareness and understanding—adapting in a reasonable and methodical way.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 22, 2019

Organizations and Personal Ability

Helpful Observation - Employee #Engagement allows for certain contexts of the self. Productivity, personal ability, and the mission of the #organization support personal achievement, while providing a level of value for stakeholders.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 21, 2019

Groups & Wellbeing

Helpful Observation - Groups provide many opportunities; however, individual objectives, a vision of connection, and mutually beneficial development allow for potentially greater overall #wellbeing.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 19, 2019

Organizations — Teams & Hierarchy

Helpful Observation - Even where there is a level of hierarchy in an #organization, there may be high levels of #collaboration. Talents may be useful; the #organization may have characteristics of such a valuing of input and #team dynamics.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 18, 2019

Wellbeing and Experiences

Helpful Observation - A consideration of #wellbeing, purposeful tasks, and the value of #potential often allow improvement, graciousness, and distinction.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 14, 2019

U.S. Wellbeing Research—Agencies

Helpful Observation - #Wellbeing research has been of benefit to numerous individuals and #organizations. Several U.S. agencies utilize some form of #wellbeing information from various groups. Objectives of improvement include increasing certain levels of awareness and measurement for individuals.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 11, 2019

Organizations & Foundational Values

Helpful Observation - For #organizations, the weighing of foundational values and the inclusion of additional perspectives involve foresight. Practices in such instances also consider certain #market conditions.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 7, 2019

Potential—Areas of Awareness

Helpful Observation - Awareness of one’s personal areas of #potential and consideration of another’s areas of potential often allow development—a realization of certain dimensions of mutual growth.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 6, 2019

Communities, Barriers to Entry, and Talent

Helpful Observation - At various times there are common barriers to entry in markets; perspectives and barriers to entry are more complex in certain instances. Talent, effort, and exchange are often beneficial generally and in various communities.

Brent Stackhouse, MBA

February 5, 2019