Process Efficiencies & Collaboration

Process Efficiencies & Collaboration

By: Brent Stackhouse, MBA

Consultancy Firm Manager

AB, International Relations, William & Mary

MBA, Management, Troy University

The Stackhouse Agency, LLC

November 9, 2015


Many business tasks are able to be completed with a perspective other than what may routinely occur in a given organization.  The ability to complete a task through additional resources may lead to better outcomes for a given organization.  Collaboration frequently allows major objectives to be completed and secures value as distinct skills are utilized by a set of business partners.  Other business tasks provide efficiencies as effort is geared toward regular activities while another firm provides process efficiencies through research, consultancy, and at times-a particular perspective.

While organizations may be able to complete a given task, another viable perspective often leads to growth for both organizations.  Given current time considerations, work-loads, and a view of a time horizon--collaboration allows attractive monetary outcomes, added business value, or leverage for business planning.


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