Leadership & Cognition: A Cup of Thought (Contemplation)

Leadership & Cognition: A Cup of Thought (Contemplation)

By: Brent Stackhouse, MBA

Consultancy Firm Manager

AB, International Relations, William & Mary

MBA, Management, Troy University

The Stackhouse Agency, LLC


January 5, 2016


A leader provides a level of impact with the attainment or achievement of a certain level of personal development.  Contemplation provides a means of a time input to provide meaning for others in various situations and for working on organizational goals.  The desire of a leader to attain a greater level of understanding about a personal role, direction, and motivation is a mode to an endowment of leadership.  Contemplation provides a means of consideration.  Contemplation adds a depth to thought processes while often allowing the clarity and insight frequently needed in a leadership role.    

The motif, “A Cup of Thought” allows contemplation to be evoked in deference to the personal development of a leader.  Some inputs are less time-intensive than other inputs.  Some decisions have greater significance than other decisions.  Contemplation is a recognition of various circumstances and personal understanding.  Contemplation boosts the leadership abilities of:

  • Decision-making

  • Providing Clarity

  • Providing Direction


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